

A portrait of my daughter every week of 2014.

April is ending. The trees are blossoming and the days are stretching long beyond dinner. We’ve had sniffly noses and late nights. We’ve had warm afternoons followed by light snow. I am surrounded by change, and I see it no where more than in my daughter. She grows and learns and explores more each day. I watch her step out…and then run back to make sure we’re still there to catch her.

She’s talking, which I love. More than any milestone, her words are magical to me. I guess it should come as no surprise that a writer would find such delight in hearing her daughter ascribe meaning to the world with her voice. Chicken. Dog. Cat. Papa. Mama. She knows five words, and she knows them well.

She still isn’t walking but we’re so very close. I just spoke with Ryan (who is watching her while I teach tonight). He thinks she’s on the brink of taking those first few steps. I couldn’t agree more.

9 thoughts on “17/52

  1. Catherine

    There is wonder in watching your child grow. The many stages of awareness. It is very magical and a blessing to have this experience. Enjoy each moment; they go by so fast.
    Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  2. Kate

    I don’t know the truth in this, but I’ve heard there are “talkers” and “walkers” – as in some children develop verbally before physically, and others develop physically before verbally. Sounds like you have a talker on your hand.

  3. Denise | Sweet Peas & Saffron

    That’s so sweet that you are doing a photo/post every week for your daughter. I am taking weekly photos of my 6-month old son, however I have fallen a few weeks behind. I think I will have to cheat and he will look very similar for a few weeks there 😉
    I have to say, I am cherishing this time where he isn’t crawling or walking. I have far too many sharp edges in my house!

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