
LuGreenAppleI am sure that many of you heard about the tragic loss of Baby Boy Bakery blogger, Jacqui Saldana’s 3 year-old son. Through blog posts and instagram, mothers and fathers, friends and strangers collectively mourned. We all agreed, “this just doesn’t make sense.”

And it doesn’t. How such a loving, beautiful family could go through something as tragic as this. Earlier this week, Saldana’s son, Ryan, was playing frisbee. In an attempt to catch and further the game, he ran out into the street and was struck and killed by a truck. When I first read the story, I cried.

I cried because I know life is precious and fleeting. I cried because I know I can’t always keep my daughter safe. And then, to compact an already emotional week, Lucy fell down the stairs. We have a baby gate at the top of our stairs, but in a moment of forgetfulness, we didn’t latch it. Ryan was in the living room, I was in the kitchen, and we both assumed that the other had their eyes on Lu. Suddenly, we heard a large crash. Terror and adrenaline coursed through my body. Ryan ran down the stairs and cradled our daughter in his arms.

OnAWalkTo say that it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life is an understatement.

Thankfully, we live in one of those 1950 split-level homes. She only fell down a few stairs, and she rolled on her side, instead of falling head first. Of course, she was scared and upset when we got to her…but after a few seconds of crying, she was laughing and playing again. There wasn’t even a bruise. But we were lucky. In one instant, your whole world can fall apart.

So all I know is that I’m holding onto her even tighter this week. I’m trying to find faith despite these tragedies. I’m trying to choose hope over despair. Keep the Saldana family in your thoughts and prayers this week.


17 thoughts on “18/52

  1. mimi

    That’s why your life changes completely when you have a child. There’s no explaining it. You just have to experience it.

  2. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles

    My heart goes out to the Saldana family in the wake of this heartbreaking tragedy. A loss of this nature is so very difficult to reconcile and leaves us all breathless with sadness. Love and prayers to Ryan’s family.

  3. Zainab

    I know it’s been a tragic week. Ever since hearing about the Ryan family my heart has been broken. I will continue to keep them in my prayers.

  4. Christina

    So scary, I’ve had a moment of complete fear after a fall with my daughter too. It is absolutely gut wrenching. Our children our are whole world. Nothing else matters!

  5. Kate

    I hope you’re not beating yourself up over Lucy’s fall, it will be the first of many. There will even be times when you’re right there and powerless to stop and/or catch her. It’s part of learning and growing. And eventually she’ll either grow out of it, or be me! I tell myself that bruises are a sign of beauty in some places!

  6. Sues

    So, so heartbreaking. Definitely an extra reason to hold those you love close and treasure every single moment.

  7. Hotly Spiced

    That is a shocking tragedy and that poor family will need so much support in the weeks, months and years ahead. So very, very sad and I’m absolutely sure there is nothing worse than the death of a child. My oldest has had a few scraps – 17 trips to Emergency in his first 14 years; two of them in an ambulance and one in a rescue helicopter. When he was three he was in ICU and we were told he won’t be alive in the morning. He’s just celebrated his 21st birthday and it was a very emotional night reflecting on his journey so far. I’m so very sorry this little three-year old didn’t make it xx

  8. Liz

    I’m so, so glad your sweet Lucy is OK! And I’ll keep Jacqui and her family in my prayers…a mother’s worst nightmare 🙁

  9. Amy @ Fearless Homemaker

    Such a heartbreaking, tragic story. Things like that always remind (even more so than usual) the importance of treasuring this fickle, unpredictable, never-guaranteed thing called life. So glad Lucy was okay with that first fall, too – sounds so scary. We haven’t had our first big ouchie yet, and I’m dreading the day that it happens!

  10. Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen

    My heart and prayers go out to Jacqui and her family <3 Such a tragic, tragic and heartbreaking loss 🙁 I teared up when reading about this. I am keeping her and her family in a special place in my thoughts, prayers and heart.

  11. Nuts about food

    When my daughter was not one yet, she fell down the stairs and hit her head at full speed against a stone wall. We were in the ICU for 4 days for internal bleeding. It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me and I still break down in tears sometimes when I think about it or talk about it 8 years later. She is healthy and wonderful and I am grateful every day that she is ok, but that experience has scarred me for life. I imagine how you must have felt. Whenever I think of that little boy this week I feel sick and feel so much for his parents.

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