
1952We are sleeping better. Going to bed is no longer a battle (but it still involves a marathon nursing session). She sleeps longer at night. She sleeps longer during the day. For the past week, my very active and aware daughter has taken two, HOUR LONG, naps each day. It’s no surprise that I’m blogging more…naps are a heaven-sent for my to-do list.

Lucy explores our house with such ease now. She crawls from room to room almost faster than we can keep up. She’s especially fond of our bathroom (what child isn’t, I guess?). Our toilet seat remains down lest little hands decide they want to splash again.

1952-3Each morning, Ryan watches her for an hour, allowing me time to work and write. Lucy knows I’m in our office though and on most mornings, as the clock nears nine, I hear her little legs and arms scamper toward the door. She pulls herself up and starts asking for me, “ma-ma, ma-ma.” I finish my work (as I’m just about to do now), pick her up, and hold her close in my arms. It’s the best way to start a day, I think.



15 thoughts on “19/52

  1. SallyBR

    Cannot think of a better way to start a day!

    Wonderful to have such weekly records of a year, it’s the type of thing you will all cherish forever, and your readers get to profit from it all… I am seriously addicted to your posts…

  2. Kate

    I don’t know what I’m going to do when naps are over. Even though we only have one right now, it’s MY time!

  3. TheKitchenLioness

    Monet, your blog posts always make my day – I love the picture where Lucy is taking a look inside the paper bag – so adorable! And there is certainly no better way to start a day then holding your daughter in your arms!
    Have a fabulous Thursday, dear friend!

  4. Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen

    What an absolutely wonderful way to start the day – your babies are gorgeous! You are truly blessed with such a beautiful family! Thank you for this lovely post – it brought a big smile to my face!

  5. Julia

    I just can’t get over how gorgeous Lucy is. What a healthy daughter you have! I’m glad to hear you’re getting work done while Lucy is getting more rest 🙂 Have a great weekend!!

  6. Nancy @ gottagetbaked

    I love these updates on sweet lil Lucy, Monet. I’m glad she’s sleeping so much to give you time to yourself. And it warms my heart that she comes looking for you every morning.

  7. Maureen | Orgasmic Chef

    Cuddling a baby in your arms if the absolute best way to start a day. Especially with one as terrific as yours.

    I haven’t made doughnuts in years but they were favorites of my father. Plain vanilla cake doughnuts – and he ate at least one every day of his life.

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