

โ€œa portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014โ€ณ

(And thanks to the ever lovely Jodi for inspiring us allโ€ฆ)

I get home late on Wednesday night. My last class concludes at 8:15, and then I drive home from North Colorado Springs. On nights like tonight, my car takes at least a good ten minutes to warm up, leaving me shivering as I barrel down the interstate.

Ryan has been doing an amazing job at getting Lu to bed on the nights I teach. I come home and the house is eerily quiet. I find my husband at work on a new pendent or tinkering at a lamp. Lucy sleeps soundly in her room. But without fail, she wakes up within an hour or so of my arrival. It’s as if she senses that mama is near. And so I go into her bedroom, scoop her into my arms, and I gently rock or nurse her back to sleep. I don’t mind the interruption one bit.


20 thoughts on “5/52

  1. Kate

    My son is really attached to my husband. When he wakes up, “DADA” is the first word out of his mouth as he calls for him to come save him from the crib. He wants to sit next to his dad, doesn’t want his dad to leave the room. Talking to my husband this morning I credit this closeness with how involved he has always been in our son’s life, taking an active role – much like you describe with Ryan. My husband was in charge of bedtimes from 6 weeks, until I went back to work at 5months, and again when I stopped nursing. Babies will always share a special bond with their mamas – it’s inevitable with the amount of time we spend, and care we provide. But Lucy is also learning that dad is an important resource too, and this time away (even if just for a few nights a week) gives them to opportunity to develop a really special relationship.

  2. Donalyn@The Creekside Cook

    Truly, some of my favorite memories of when my girls were very small, are those middle of the night feedings, just me and the baby with the whole rest of the world sleeping. Of course, I can afford to say that since they were both sleeping through the night by 5 or 6 weeks old ๐Ÿ™‚ I wouldn’t mind the sight of this cute little face in the dark hours of the night!

  3. Catherine

    Dear Monet, Lucy is precious.
    It is wonderful that you and Ryan have settled into a comfy pattern.
    The blog looks beautiful.
    Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  4. Amy @ Elephant Eats

    I’m behind on blog reading and when I went to catch up and comment on your older posts the comments were closed ๐Ÿ™ Anyway, I’ll start here. I can’t believe how fast Lucy is growing! I love this weekly series. What a cute!

  5. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles

    Ooh, I love everything about this post… your description of shivering in the car is very relatable. All of those -40 moments back at home, cursing those cold Canadian winters… sweeping your daughter into your arms, well, that’s simply beautiful. Your writing is effortless. Enjoy all of the mommy moments, your daughter is luminous — xx.

  6. Velva

    What a good love story….I love it. I grew up eating bagels and I can appreciate them at the deepest level. I can’t say that I have ever tried my hand at making them-

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


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